Sonntag, 8. Juli 2018

V.A. - Undead And Open​-​Minded: Volume 3

Artist - V.A.
Album - Undead And Open-Minded Volume 3
Jahr - 2017
Genre - Elektro Rock / Synthpop / Futurepop
Land - Deutschland

dieses ist nun die dritte compilation des deutschen, 2010 gegründeten magazin "Elektrozombie".

"We know you've been waiting for this

Volume 3 contains awesome artists like 'Ray Noir' who has fresh and successfully crowdfunded his album production. We're really excited to listen to his album soon. Check out his gloomy track featuring Mariann Rosa 'All Alone' on this compilation.

Further we're proud that the Australian Electropunker 'Angelspit' has contributed two tracks to this compilation. 'Lorelei Dreaming' is produced by Angelspit and 'Hardcore Pong' is a side project by Angelspit. Both songs are definitely worth listening to. The typical handwriting is clearly audible in the songs. Which means you can expect Electropunk on the limit!

Another side project is 'Analoge Stereoide' which is an emerging project featuring musicians of the bands 'Alphamay' and 'Rozencrantz'. And then we have a young and extremely talented artist named 'Mei Ohara' on board, which reminds us strongly of the young 'Björk'.

An exquisite selection

All other tracks have been selected from a large amount of submissions. So you get only the cream pieces for your sophisticated ears. We hope you will enjoy this compilation that was made with a lot of passion and you'll spread the word around the world."

auf ihrer bandcamp-seite gibt es das hammer album als free-download bzw. als "buy now name your price", tippt einfach 0 ein wenn ihr auf "buy now name your price" klickt oder wer mag darf auch eine kleine spende zur unterstützung da lassen.

01. digital ENERGY - Trust (Electrozombies Version) 04:05
02. Ray Noir - All Alone (Feat. Mariann Rosa) 03:20
03. Lorelei Dreaming - Echo Chamber 03:53
04. Softwave - On And On And On (Jerry's Alternate Version) 03:13
05. Analoge Stereoide - Freie Fahrt Für Liebe (Early Mix) 03:28
06. Clayfeet - Severance 03:56
07. St George - Citylights 02:52
08. Mei Ohara - Biophile 03:28
09. Electro Bromance - Euphoria 05:12
10. Hardcore Pong - Let's Ride 03:23
11. A Million Machines - Undivided 04:45
12. Superikone - Wir Spielen An Maschinen 03:07
13. Ryden - The Devil´s Work (Zombiefied Mix) 02:44
14. The Holists - Lurking 05:28
15. Tactile Frequency - You Move Me 03:36
16. Dr. Woman - White Ships 03:22
17. Joe Wood - Alone 03:15

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