Album - Elements: Three
Jahr - 2014
Genre - Industrial / Darkwave / Instrumental
Land - USA
"Drowning Susan" bezeichnen ihre musik als "darkwave meets electro-goth... industrial/electro pop", das amerikanische trio besteht aus mark r. gerster (gesang, synth, programming) , nick repeta (aka dj luze) (programming ), und vincent sparacino (programming, gitarre).
ihr neues album ist die musikalische umsetzung des periodensystems, und umfasst 113 songs auf drei alben und kleiner gimmicks.
"drowning susan is mark r. gerster, nick repeta, and vincent sparacino.
"darkwave meets electro-goth". also described as "blatantly nay-saying pre-apocalyptic electro pop" and has been such on and off since it's inception in 2001.
sometimes it's "self loathing drudgery"
"drowning susan has breathed new life into the idea of album art and its ties to the music. in what may be a first, the band has issued its most recent release as an interactive pdf. “elements” is a three album/113 song instrumental collection released as a virtual poster and interactive periodic table of elements, literally re-forging the bond between music and album artwork.
the release is intended to be shared widely and provide a launching pad to the web presence it holds across multiple platforms and devices. digital alchemy allows one to navigate to the 3 full streaming and downloadable albums or use the elemental table as a keyboard, turning your click on individual elements into a stream or download of that track. exploration uncovers more embedded links that take you to the many roots of the drowning susan resources and web presence.
each instrumental has its own numeric and symbolic representation that is coded for cross reference. these symbols along with the elements matrix provide information regarding each track. for those that feel the need to completely nerd out, a copy of the elements matrix quick reference is included as an excel file with the album download, along with the cover art and pdf. classroom style scrawled notation guides movement through the periodic table, revealing features, methods, intentions and process to the listener.
enjoy this unique music listening experience that brings you forward, embracing a modern version of the complete album experience."
auf ihrer bandcamp-seite gibt es dieses sowie alle ihre anderen alben als free-download bzw. als "buy now name your price", tippt einfach 0 ein wenn ihr auf "buy now name your price" klickt.
01. (Bw) _formed_ 04:20
02. (Hz) _extracted_ 05:59
03. (Ru) _extracted_ 03:02
04. (If) _fused_ 04:17
05. (Ba) _formed_ 04:49
06. (Md) _formed_ 02:45
07. (D) _extracted_ 03:47
08. (Et) _formed_ 04:45
09. (Ms)_formed_ 04:11
10. (In) _extracted_ 04:14
11. (Wa) _formed_ 05:38
12. (Pr) _extracted_ 03:57
13. (Rd) _formed_ 02:56
14. (Wf) _formed_ 02:49
15. (A) _extracted_ 05:57
16. (Nw) _formed_ 03:41
17. (Mi) _extracted_ 04:19
18. (Ag) _formed_ 04:01
19. (Wt) _extracted_ 04:06
20. (Nm) _extracted_ 03:55
21. (Me) _fused_ 03:35
22. (Yk) _formed_ 02:33
23. (Am) _extracted_.wav 04:16
24. (Lb) _fused_ 03:30
25. (Tc) _extracted_ 03:33
26. (Mh)_formed_ 04:19
27. (L) _extracted_ 01:51
28. (Hs) _formed_ 03:20
29. (Cp) _fused_ 03:49
30. (Bg) _extracted_ 04:11
31. (Hy) _fused_ 03:58
32. (T) _extracted_ 04:54
33. (Fi) _extracted_ 06:55
34. (St) _extracted_ 04:29
35. (Ck) _formed_ 03:45
36. (Ho) _extracted_ 04:26
37. (Sv) _extracted_ 04:08
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