Artist - V.A.
Album - Doncaster Electronic Foundation Live #008 Audio Flyer
Jahr - 2015
Genre - Electro / Synthpop / Darkwave
Land - England
audio flyer des in donkaster, england ansässigen club donkaster elektronische freundschaft (d.e.f.).
der club hat es sich zur aufgabe gemacht elektronische musik bekannter zu machen, bzw. das jüngere puplikum in donkaster zu begeistern.
""this is a selection of tracks in support of the forthcoming show at doncaster hallcross on the 21st of march to give a flavour of the acts playing.
jan doyle band are of the more darkwave electropunk end of things, known for putting on a spectacular stage show and impressive image. always energetic and engaging, their shows are not to be missed.
tokyo witch hunt - deeply powerful downtempo sexy electro leviathans and irresistible modern dancey tracks. musically unmatched and utterly tight in their live performance.
we'll also have djing playing electronic classics from human league through fad gadget to front 242, whilst also offering you some of the latest unheard tunes.
doors open at 8pm and we'll be going until late!""
auf ihrer bandcamp-seite gibt es daiesen audio flyer als free-download bzw. als "buy now name your price", tippt einfach 0 ein wenn ihr auf "buy now name your price" klickt oder wer mag darf auch eine kleine spende zur unterstützung dalassen
01. Tokyo Witch Hunt - Tailspin 04:30
02. Tokyo Witch Hunt - Toxic Nursery 04:09
03. Jan Doyle Band - Fighters (Radio Edit) 03:33
04. Jan Doyle Band - Confusion 02:33
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Facebook (Jan Doyle Band)
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